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Beim Chalk4Peace Event am 12. oder 13. September hat Drake ein kleines Konzert und ein Interview gegeben,
was für Drake-Fans der Totale Kracher ist...
Weil er eine Bestimmte Information rausgibt!
Yesterday's Fool:
Makes Me Happy:
Chill out with Chalk:
Und das Interview:
Ich habe mir gedacht, da ich so und so nichts mehr zu tuhen habe, kann ich das Interview aufschreiben
NI: Can you tell us what you are doing here today?
DB: Basically promoting peace, I think its a cool thing & I love hanging out with the kids.
A friend of mine put it together, and asked me to sing.
NI: What are you going to sing today?
DB: I don't know, we'll see when we get up there. I don't play by myself very often, so we'll see.
NI: Can you tell us wat you have coming up in the future?
DB: Right now, just the record and hopefully a world tour in february start in London then just spread out from there. But just the record and tour. (dt. im Moment nur das 3. album und hoffentlich eine Welttourne im Februar. Es startet in London und von da aus dann verteilt. Aber gerade nur die CD und die Tour.)
NI: Can you tell us about the sound of the record, and what to expect?
DB: Ya it's kinda eclektic right now, just writing a bunch of songs, not really a thread just kinda seeing what comes after that, it's all over the place right now.
NI: Can you show us some of your artwork from today?
DB: I just drew those balloons, but i must say they are some pretty hot balloons.